ROCKFISH Swimming its coaches, officials, and volunteers are committed to providing our swimmers with a safe and secure environment in which to practice, compete, and enjoy the sport of swimming. We fully endorse and support USA Swimming’s Safe Sport and Safety programs by providing training, policy guidelines, reporting channels, and other resources for our clubs and members. ROCKFISH Swimming Safe Sport Program Safe Sport focuses on creating a secure environment for our swimmers and non-athlete members that is free from abuse of any kind including sexual abuse, bullying, and inappropriate communications.
Rockfish Swimming Safe Sport Chair - Caroline King
Maryland Swimming Safe Sport Chair - Tom Schmidt
ROCKFISH Swimming, in accordance with USA Swimming guidelines, has adopted the following policies for swimmers, parents and coaches.
Rockfish Parent Code of Conduct
Rockfish Swimmer Code of Conduct
Rockfish Coach Code of Conduct
Rockfish Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
Rockfish Electronic Communication Policy
USA Swimming Safe Sport Best Practices Guidelines
Rockfish Grievance Procedure and Reporting Form
Written Acknowledgement Of MAPP Policy
Safe sport training must be completed at the time of registration with ROCKFISH. All parents are encouraged and expected to complete the Athlete Protection Training Online Course. Athletes 12 years and older are expected to take the training. Please follow the links below to complete this course.
USA Swimming Members: Access the training for athletes and parents that are USA Swimming members can access training here.
Non-USA Swimming Members: You can create a free non-member education account and access the training for parents here.
Other Online Training Programs
Athlete Protection Training Requirement Adult Athletes with Cognitive Disabilities
USA Swimming Safe Sport Resources
The USA Swimming Code of Conduct requires any individual with credible information involving sexual misconduct to report that information to our Safe Sport Program staff. USA Swimming provides an online form for confidential reporting of sexual misconduct, bullying, inappropriate communications, or code of conduct violations.
Report A Safe Sport Issue
Report a Safe Sport Issue Online
Report A Safe Sport Issue Anonymously
To report anonymously, text tips to
888-270-SWIM (7946).
USA Swimming and US Center for Safe Sport Contact & Reporting Information